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Incheon Museum Park | 인천뮤지엄파크 조성사업

Emerging from the traces of the past and providing a soothing and colourful place for pause and respiration in the middle of a rapidly growing new district, the Incheon Museum Park has been conceived as a generous and unique ecological ecosystem that shelters an open and inviting cultural hub for the future inhabitants and visitors of the complex.

The city museum is organized as the network of simple volumes under the roof varying in sizes and heights and the missionary pavilions above. All parts of the program are linked by an interior and exterior path which forms a continuous promenade that loops above and below the roof. The museographic sequence is therefore conceived as a journey that starts as soon as the visitor enters the site, whether it is from the park level or from the ground level.

Location_Incheon, Korea

Program_Museum, Culture center, Heritage restoration, Education 

Area_41,810 m2

Work scope_Design Proposal


Collaboration_Studio Akkerhuis | Paris

과거의 흔적에서 벗어나 빠르게 성장하는 새로운 도시지구의 중심에 인천박물관공원이 위치한다. 휴식과 쉼을 위한 다채롭고 차분한 장소를 제공하는 인천박물관공원은 단지에서 일하는 스텝과 장소를 찾는 방문자를 위해 독특한 생태 공간을 제공한다. 큰 개념의 지붕 정원은 개방적이고 매력적인 문화 허브를 보호하는 포용적인 건축 언어이다.

대지위치_인천시, 대한민국

Program_뮤지엄, 박물관, 문화센터, 교육공간

면적_41,810 m2

작업범위_계획 설계


협업_Studio Akkerhuis | Paris

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